You can monitor system features like CPU and GPU utilization, memory usage, disk speed, network speed and the temperature of various system components. IStat Menus allows you to monitor a ton of system features. Anyone who cares about how well their computer functions will get a lot of appreciation and use out of the application. Even if you don’t have a deep need for system monitoring, iStat Menus is a great tool for troubleshooting and tracking your system health over time. From custom colors to a variety of system monitoring tools, there is a lot to love about the application. It’s well organized, with a ton of mandatory features and a number of optional bonuses. IStat Menus is likely the most popular program for monitoring your Mac, and that’s no surprise. It’s the type of program that, once you grow to love it, you can’t live without. Our iStat Menus review will cover the most important aspects of the application. It’s tightly integrated with macOS both aesthetically and technically, allowing power users to deeply monitor every important stat about their system. It can report on everything from CPU utilization and Internet speeds to SSD speeds and memory pressure. It lives in your menu bar at the top of your screen, giving real-time system stats.

IStat Menus is a powerful, customizable system monitoring app for macOS.