After selling everything, you should have made enough money to completely upgrade one weapon in Rizolvir (or to split the upgrades between two different weapons, if you’re a dual-wielder). Right-click the Poison Bolts and split them into groups of 8, you’ll notice that each stack will be right below the price cap, which is exactly what we want! Split the Poison Arrows into groups of 2 and the same will occur. Instead, go to the city of Drearing’s Deep and find the female duergar merchant nearby (as shown in this guide’s picture above). If you try to sell the ammo in a big stack (10 or above), you’ll get the 10k cap. However, HotU’s Chapter 2 has a sell price cap ($10,000) that prevents you from selling items for too much money. This fight is quite hard, though, so buff yourselves to the heavens. Kill the archers around him and they drop some more Poison Bolts – as many as there are left after they shoot them at you.

Just go to the Castle and kill the first group of driders you find (they drop the Assanti shortbow… those ones!). After that, you don’t need to talk to anyone else just yet.At the beginning of the level, when you face Sabal and her drows for the first time, there’s a weapon rack nearby with 99 Poison Bolts.When you arrive at Lith My’athar, find Cavallas (the boatman) and go to Shaori’s Fell (a.k.a “the island with the strange town”).Guide to Making Money Make Tons of Money by Selling Ammo You’ll need all the money you can come across, because the smith Rizolvir can upgrade your weapons to the point of absurdity, but he charges similarly hefty amounts of money. In the Hordes of the Underdark campaign, specifically by Chapter 2, you can make a lot of gold by selling certain kinds of poisoned ammunition, which are easily acquirable by going to certain places as soon as the chapter starts.